19 Şubat 2013 Salı

341. Upgrading/installing BankID on 64 bit linux

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There are a few ways to get around the rotten behaviour of bankid. This is one of them:

0. Things to install:
sudo apt-get install iceweasel nspluginwrapper ia32-libs

1. Download BankID and uninstall any previous installations
cd ~/Downloadsmkdir bankidcd bankidwget https://install.bankid.com/Download?defaultFileId=Linux -O bankid.tar.gztar xvf bankid.tar.gzcd BISP- sh install. u

2. If you're upgrading, make sure to remove any previous libplugins.so
sudo updatedb && locate libplugins.so
sudo nspluginwrapper -r /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/npwrapper.libplugins.sosudo rm /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libplugins.sosudo rm /usr/lib/nspluginwrapper/plugins/npwrapper.libplugins.so

3. Install the new version
sudo sh install. i
Installing BankID Security Applicationln: failed to create symbolic link `/usr/lib/firefox-addons/plugins': No such file or directoryWARNING: Failed installing plugin for Firefox 3. Manually add symlink to libplugins.so in your Firefox 3 plugin directory if this browser is to be used.Installation complete.
sudo nspluginwrapper --install /usr/local/lib/personal/libplugins.so

4. Test your installation
Don't bother with test.bankid.com since the idiots won't let you test anything that identifies itself as 64 bit (more about that later). Instead
  • go to http://www.skatteverket.se
  • click on personbevis
  • log in. This should work
5. Testing against test.bankid.com
Everything is in working order but for some idiotic reason bankid.com won't even allow you to test you fancy new 64 bit installation -- and it all boils down the useragent string in iceweasel/firefox identifying itself as running on a 64 bit system (paradoxically, a real 32 bit browser running in a chroot won't work either since the kernel is 64 bit -- in schroot you can use personality=linux32 to get around it, but good luck dealing with the massive memory leaks).

  • open your iceweasel browser
  • type in about:config in the address bar
  • promise that you'll be careful
  • right-click on the page, select New, String
  • In the first box, type general.useragent.override
  • In the second box paste Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:10.0.12) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/10.0.12 Iceweasel/10.0.12
You can now go to https://test.bankid.com. I find this a bit humiliating though, and you can use bankid everywhere but bankid.com without having to set the useragent to identify your system as being i686.

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