Behold my surprise when I realised that there's no need for separate -dev packages, as is the case on Debian i.e. the headers are generally installed together with the package (so e.g. python is enough -- you don't need python-dev as well).
While debian is probably the best choice for my nodes (I want stability -- not the latest flashiest stuff), nwchem is a good test case since I've been playing with it for years, and it's not available in the pacman or AUR repos.
Your mileage with openblas will vary depending on your hardware. ACML is an alternative on e.g. FX-8150. ATLAS doesn't seem to work with NWChem when I try it, but I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. See the original post for examples on how to link to other math libs.
I'm mainly looking at this post:
pacman -S wget base-devel gcc-fortran tcsh openmpi
Download from
sudo mkdir /opt/openblassudo chown $USER /opt/openblastar xvf xianyi-OpenBLAS-v0.1.1-0-g5b7f443.tar.gzcd xianyi-OpenBLAS-e6e87a2/make all BINARY=64 CC=/usr/bin/gcc FC=/usr/bin/gfortran USE_THREAD=0 INTERFACE64=1 1> make.log 2>make.errmake PREFIX=/opt/openblas installcp lib*.* /opt/openblas/lib
sudo mkdir /opt/nwchemsudo chown $USER /opt/nwchemcd /opt/nwchemwget xvf Nwchem-6.1.1-src.2012-06-27.tar.gzcd nwchem-6.1.1-src/
Edit nwchem-6.1.1-src/src/config/makefile.h and edit line 1957 as shown in this post.
Then continue:
export LARGE_FILES=TRUEexport TCGRSH=/usr/bin/sshexport NWCHEM_TOP=`pwd`export NWCHEM_TARGET=LINUX64export NWCHEM_MODULES="all python"export PYTHONVERSION=2.7export PYTHONHOME=/usrexport BLASOPT="-L/opt/openblas/lib -lopenblas"export USE_MPI=yexport USE_MPIF=yexport USE_MPIF4=yexport MPI_LOC=/usr/lib/openmpiexport MPI_INCLUDE=/usr/includeexport LIBRARY_PATH=$LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/lib/openmpi:/opt/openblas/libexport LIBMPI="-L/usr/lib/openmpi -lmpi -lopen-rte -lopen-pal -ldl -lmpi_f77 -lpthread"cd $NWCHEM_TOP/srcmake cleanmake nwchem_configmake FC=gfortran 1> make.log 2>make.errexport FC=gfortrancd ../contrib./getmem.nwchem
Note that some of the locations are a little bit different from debian.
Edit your ~/.bashrc and add:
You can now test your new binary by running a job, e.g. co.nw:export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/openblas/libexport PATH=$PATH:/opt/nwchem/bin/LINUX64
title "co nmr"geometryc 0 0 0o 0 0 1.13endbasis * library "6-311+g*"enddft direct grid fine mult 1 xc HFexch 0.05 slater 0.95 becke88 nonlocal 0.72 vwn_5 1 perdew91 0.81endtask dft optimizeRun:
nwchem co.nw
mpirun -n 2 nwchem co.nw
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