6 Ekim 2012 Cumartesi

What I have learnt from CS3216

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Time flies and it is now the end of the semester. In the past 13 weeks, I have learnt a lot of new stuffs. And it is a really good time to look back and have some reflections.
CS3216 is really challenging, as I expected and it is a rare chance for me to work with awesome people from SOC as well as other faculties in NUS. Sadly, I think I will have no other opportunity to learn from Prof Ben Leong in the future. He is my most inspiring lecturer so far. I want to wish him best luck in his next journey!
So, what I have learnt from CS3216? 
 Teamwork and communication:

      This is the most important thing I want to learn and CS3216 is really the right place for me to do that. Working in 4 different teams really helps. About teamwork, I now know how to cooperate with non-programmer people; how to fulfill my role of programmer in the team and how to resolve conflicts. My communication skills are also improved. Now I feel much more confident. However, I think that I could have done better this semester. I really did not express myself well enough in some occasions. 
Could computing and social networking:
They are quite new areas of computing and I believe they will dominate the web in very near future. Amazon Web Services is really cool. I only had chances to play with EC2 platform but will definitely try out new ones in the future.
Facebook is still the most successful social network and it is still growing. Working with such an evolving platform is troublesome sometimes Lbut is a good chance of learning real world problems. I like Facebook as one of its users but do not like it from a developer’s point of view. I hope Google+ will do better.
Other programming stuffs:
 I have no experience of web programming at the beginning of this semester. The first assignment was    still my very first lines of PhP programming. Next time I decide to learn Python (I hear that youtube is built upon it).    
I have never taken any database course in university however now I no longer need on. I am not saying that I am now a database master. However, CS3216 teaches me well enough.
Ok, no Flash J I thought that I will have to learn Flash along the way but HTML5 is just awesome. However, jumping into it without very limited knowledge of HTML is somewhat scary.
The pains from last semester pay off well J  in the Final Project. Thanks to CS3217!

There are also some other things that I learn from this module. Prof Ben’s life lessons are always meaningful although some may sound funny at first (such as the one of choosing wife). His last lecture did help me understand what is really happening in the world. His guess speakers are also inspiring. There are a lot of things I want to explore after their talks like how to build a scalable web application, security and privacy…
Before ending this entry, I would like to say thank you to the CS3216 teaching staffs and all of its students who make this module awesome!

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